calendar sharing

Jason Hayes hh at
Fri Dec 16 13:15:49 MST 2005

Is there any way to share calendar items between Evolution and Outlook
users without using an Exchange server? I have Googled around and
searched the archives of various lists, but have not found an answer

My reason for asking is that my office wants to start sharing calendars,
but the expense of an Exchange server license makes that an unlikely
option (I work with a small non-profit, with a limited IT budget).

I would prefer to keep using Evolution for my mail and calendar
information as I have become accustomed to it. However, my office mates
are not terribly interested in switching from an MS environment. So if
Evolution can't do the job, I will need to switch to something else.

Is this sort of sharing easier with Kontact? Since the KDE folks have
bundled Akregator in with Kontact, using it would be a possibility.

If the above isn't possible, has anyone used something like PHProjekt? I
don't want to have to start using two calendars (i.e. Evolution and
PHProjekt), but am interested in hearing about options.


Jason Hayes

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