Using Konqueror for FTP (was Re: GNOME vs. KDE)

Siri Amrit Kaur tigerflag at
Thu Dec 15 14:16:15 MST 2005

On Thursday 15 December 2005 10:18 am nuclear-cowboy at kindly 
> Here's a thought. Check your browser settings for how it deals with
> FTP, i.e. active versus passive. In the former, the client sends
> the server a open local port for the server to connect to for the
> data channel (port command), and the server "actively" creates the
> data channel.  In the latter, both command and data channel are
> initiated by the client (pasv request goes to server, server throws
> back a pasv response with an ip and port that it opens for data
> channel).

This is a little over my head and I'm not sure where to check for it. 
Should it be set for active or passive?

> Most browsers when used for FTP will login and then run minimal
> commands to get the root level listing. If the data channel is
> being blocked by a firewall, you will get the symptoms you
> describe.

Now that you mention it, I think this is the problem. There are a 
number of things I can't do anymore since I got a DSL modem/router. I 
can't check webmail or access NetAdmin from my browsers, and I used 
to be able to when I had just dialup and Guarddog. I still have 
Guarddog but I don't think it's the problem because nothing changes 
when I disable it.

I'm suspecting I need to authorize certain ports in my DSL modem but 
that's over my head, too. I don't understand the dialog boxes in the 
Actiontec Admin panel. 


Siri Amrit 
Tigerflag Natural Perfumery, LLC

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