RSS feeds question

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at
Mon Dec 12 16:09:17 MST 2005

On Dec 10, 2005, at 9:46 PM, Alan Dayley wrote:
> I am behind the times on RSS and Atom feeds so I am confused by this.
> What tool does one use to get and read RSS feeds?  Is this not a
> Firefox/Browser function?

If you are just looking at a few RSS feeds, then using Live Bookmarks  
with Firefox, as others have suggested, will certainly suffice.  If  
you start viewing more than a few (say, 50 or more), then you'll want  
to start looking at a dedicated RSS reader.

My favorite on any platform is Akregator (http:// although since it's only available on  
Linux so-far, I am forced to use Safari (not too bad) and Opera (a  
bit better) on occasion.  Akregator makes it very easy to manage  
scores of feeds in an arbitrarily nested hierarchy.


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