everquest like game for linux

Kenneth madhse at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 09:48:37 MST 2005

--- Kevin Brown <kevin_brown at qwest.net> wrote:

> >> I recently played and everquest like game on ps2 at a friends
> >> house. So now I'm wondering if there are any games like that for
> >> linux. I do have Wine running if I need it. Any recomendations?
> >> 
> >> I don't game a lot, hardly at all, but it's nice to play with
> >> friends once in a while.
> > I've heard of people playing eq with linux, but not sure if it was
> > under wine, or one of the virtual machines or exactly how it
> > worked...
> works under Cedega, but unless you are willing to devote 8 hours a day 
> to the game (even if you buy a high level character from ebay) don't 
> expect to really make much if any progress.  I was in the game for 5 
> years, 4.5 of which were because someone else wanted to keep my account 
> active for his own purposes.
> The requirements to grind to make any progress, the need for a good 
> guild capable of doing raids to take on upper end content and now the 
> unwillingness of said guilds to help those who aren't fully up to where 
> they are yet makes for a very dull game or an expensive IM program.

Agreed.  Do yourself a favor and don't consider starting Everquest unless you
have no life and no job and don't plan to get either in the next few years.

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