xsl with PHP 5.0.3

Carl Parrish lists at pcl-consulting.com
Fri Aug 26 09:39:14 MST 2005

Has anyone gotten the libxslt mod working with php 5.x?
I've got libxslt-1.1.12-2 and libxslt-devel-1.1.12-2 installed on a FC2  
box (via rpm)
the following *.so files are installed.


I added the following to my /etc/php.ini file

Then I compiled with

configure runs fine, make runs fine, and make install runs fine, however 
when I'm finished at look at phpinfo() libxslt isn't found (libxml2 is 
though). When I try to run a test I get this error.

Fatal error: Class 'XsltProcessor' not found

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Carl Parrish
PCL Design & Consulting Inc.

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