changing multiple things on one line in vi

Colin Rasor tcaz at
Fri Aug 19 14:55:14 MST 2005


 Instead of using a global variable like % replace it with the line
number(s) in question.
:%s/images/pics/g global
:12s/son.gif/daughter.gif/g replaces line 12 all instances
:1,12s/son/daughter/g Replace all instances of son.gif with daughter on
lines 1-12


On 8/19/05 2:27 PM, "MCR" <mike1071 at> wrote:

> This is along the line of a couple of posts today, so
> I thought I would finally ask.  When I have a document
> open in vi, sometimes I would like to do a change and
> have it apply to only one line, I know how to do it
> globally, but I can not seem to find out how to do it
> for just the one line.  Example:
> For global: say I have a html document and my image
> directory is named "images".  I decide to change the
> name of the directory to pictures, I know to do this
> for the whole document I do:
> :%s/images/pictures/g
> Now what I can not figure out is if I have the same
> document, and on one line I have a file named son.gif
> four times.  I have the same file name through out the
> document, but just on this one line I need to change
> all four son.gif to daughter.gif.  I do not know how
> to do this.  I have tried:
> :%s/son.gif/daughter.gif <enter>
> but this did not work.  Could someone please offer
> some insight on how to do this.  It would save me a
> lot of typing.  Thank You in advance.
> Mike
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