boot floppy

Alan Dayley alandd at
Mon Aug 15 18:36:43 MST 2005

Major.Mikey said:
> Well, duhhhhhh.
> Go to downloads->click bootfloppy.img->save as a text file with
> kwrite??????
> No, I don't think that is correct. Would someone be kind enough to give me
> some instruction?

right click (ie. click with the right mouse button instead of the left
one).  Then choose "Save as..." or similar ("Save link as..." in Firefox).
 Save it to a known location.

Then you have to copy the image to a floppy disk.  Follow the instructions
on this page: 
It refers to Red Hat but just use your bootfloppy.img file in place of the
filename it cites.  Specifically, follow the instructions in "Make a boot
floppy on a MS-Windows machine" if you are on Windows.  Or follow the
instructions in the section "Make a boot floppy on a Linux machine" if you
are on Linux.  Of course, don't download the image files they talk about
since you already have one.


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