Anyone around 18 in the group?

Francois, Jean (J.L.) jfranc46 at
Wed Aug 3 07:29:54 MST 2005

ORIG>And for the record, my first Linux server that ran that sparkly 2.2
ORIG>kernel is still running, same case and all, still a K6-2 
ORIG>400, but Gentoo
ORIG>now, and several deceased drives later (its original drive 
ORIG>just started
ORIG>to die too, a whopping 13Gb).


My first Kernel was 1.0.9 on a 386-33 with 8MB of RAM.
I ran that until the hard drive died and "forced" an 
upgrade to the latest kernel at the time...1.1.18

So using 1x1x18 = 18 should qualify me :)

JLF Sends... 
Server Engineering/EE

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