crontab question

Kevin Brown
Wed, 28 May 2003 21:40:14 -0700

Lynn David Newton wrote:

>   >> If I have a 6 in the hour field of a crontab
>   >> entry, does that mean the job will run only at 6am
>   >> or will it run at 4pm too (16:00)?
>   >> 
>   >> I'm thinking 6am only. Do I understand this correctly?
>   Kevin> if you put just a 6 in the hour field, then it
>   Kevin> will only run at 6am. If you want it to run at
>   Kevin> more than that hour, then you would do
>   Kevin> something like:
>   Kevin> * 6,14 * * * command <--- runs at 6am and 2pm
> I believe as shown, this would every single minute from
> 6:00 to 6:59, and 14:00 to 14:49. If that's not the
> intent, then substitute a 0 (or some other integer
> representing minutes after the hour) for the first
> asterisk.

Oops, good catch.