Email Authentication

Jeremy C. Reed
Tue, 27 May 2003 17:53:39 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Phil Mattison wrote:

> I've seen a few messages on this board that include
> email addresses with a little note saying that if you
> send email to that address you will have to verify
> your own email address before it will be accepted.
> I am interested in adding that capability to my own
> email system. I use Linux 7.3 with Postfix. Any
> tips on how to do this?

One idea is TMDA

(I dis-like having to reply to join a whitelist. I especially find it
strange that when posting to some mailing lists, I receive auto-replies
from these tools asking for me to reply or visit a webpage before they can
receive my email.)

   Jeremy C. Reed