changing file permissions
Jeremy C. Reed
Thu, 22 May 2003 15:23:41 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 22 May 2003, Rob Wultsch wrote:
> /stuff is vfat.I have it automaticly mounted with a line in my
> /etc/fstab that reads:
> /dev/hda2 /stuff vfat auto,user,umask=000 0 0
> I am discouraged by:
> root@fearlessrogue:/home/rob# chown rob:rob /stuff
> chown: changing ownership of `/stuff': Operation not permitted
> Any suggestions???
Yes, see my previous email:
> > I assume that /stuff is not a Unix-type filesystem.
It's vfat. It is not a Unix-type filesystem that supports different users
and groups.
> > Maybe, use your mount options to choose which uid (and gid) should be used
> > when it is mounted in the first place.
Look at your mount manual page; read about "vfat":
uid=value and gid=value
Set the owner and group of all files. (Default: the
uid and gid of the current process.)
For example (where 101 is your music user and 101 is your music group):
/dev/hda2 /stuff vfat auto,user,umask=000,uid=101,gid=101 0 0
Have fun!
Jeremy C. Reed