Gnome/KDE Uninstall

Ted Gould
14 May 2003 22:26:26 -0700

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On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 15:33, Phil Mattison wrote:
> I have a Linux 7.3 server running at a local NOC as a web server and I do
> all my own system administration remotely via SSH. I'd like to remove KDE=
> Gnome since they are unused and tend to clutter up the system. I tried a
> query via rpm to see what is installed, and both appear to involve a
> bewildering collection of individual packages. Does anyone know of a sing=
> uninstall point for each of these apps? What a mess!

Typically what I'll do for mass uninstalls using rpm is the following:

rpm -qa | grep kde | xargs rpm -e

And usually that turns up a few more packages that are dependent, but
you can just tack them on the end of the command line.  Not an elegant
solution, but one that works out okay.


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