128MB GeForce FX 5200
David A. Sinck
Fri, 9 May 2003 07:56:10 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Richard L. Proctor on 5/8/2003 08:13 as having spake thusly:
\_ Okay, Redhat 9.0 attempts to install with this video card,[...]
\_ Also I see SuSE 8.2 Pro has listed the 5800 FX as supported, but
\_ the 5200 FX is not listed, and I would hate to upgrade only to find
\_ out that the 5200 won't work, and be back at square one.
\_ Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts???
If you're ok with the NV drivers tainting your kernel, try this:
Install without X initially. Install X libraries by hand. Do not run
configurator beast. Install the NV driver. Tweak + Launch.
The newer XF86-Config-4 files are less scary than the previous