Whats with X

Gary Nichols plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 2 May 2003 23:39:48 -0700

On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 09:49 PM, KevinO wrote:
> I heard Kim Komando last weekend on the radio. A guy called in and he 
> wanted
> to print out a list of files in a directory. (onto a piece of paper) I 
> was
> amazed at her answer. She suggested that he buy a $30 package that 
> does that
> for him. She then went on to say that she uses this software herself.

I heard this very same program, and laughed myself silly.   If you 
listen to her show (and a certain locally I-won't-name broadcast show) 
you'll notice that their area of expertise is really quite small - 
typically they are the "jack of all trades, master in none" type of 

I wouldn't be surprised if she got a cut of the proceeds from the sale 
of that certain program.