php and javascript reload on frame

Mike Starke
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:20:57 -0500

I am still having a difficult time getting a
frame to automagically reload. Below is a edited
version of a php script/page I am using.
  // run this section to update the database if they clicked "Update"
  if ($update) {
    echo "<p>Your records have been updated. You may have to hit the 'refresh'
    button on your browser for all changes to appear in the left margin.</p>";
    echo "\n<!-- \n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
    echo "parent.left.location.reload();\n";
    echo "</script> \n-->\n";
  } else {

<form method="post">
<input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" />

//This section is printed only if they have not logged in yet.
} else {
<? } ?>
I editred most all of the other code/html as I didn't think it
was important. Everything works except my left frame reloading.

The "page" is divided into three (3) frames: top, left, right. In fact,
those are the names. The code above is displayed in the right (or main) frame,
and I would like for it to refresh/reload the left side.

The javascript console in Mozilla tells me "parent.left has no properties"

I sure would apprecitate some help on this one.
