business forms, etc

Derek Neighbors
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 13:16:27 -0700 (MST)

Mike Starke said:
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 12:36:50PM -0700, Brian Tafoya wrote:
> /_What we have done for our business is build web-based forms in PHP and
> /_tied them to MySQL. :) Works extremely well!
> /_
> /_--
> Sounds like the 'html' output I finally refered to. I am begining
> to think good ole fashioned Perl|PHP/MySQL is the way to go for all of
> this. I devised a Perl/MySQL invoice system that utilizes
> 3 tables to crank out invoices. Simple, clean, works anywhere, and even
> spits out the invoice in XML if I ever have a need.
> However, Dereck's suggestion with taging a OO document then run
> a report also sounds interesting.
> I really hate to see this thread die a quick death. To me, this
> document/form creation/managment stuff is the heart and soul
> of all small->medium businesses. We really need a coherent, easy to use
> OS solution to these issues (One of the reasons I'm just chomping
> at the bit waiting for GNUe to mature a bit more :-)

I guess I dont get the "wait to get more mature" line.  With GNUe Forms
and Reports I can spit out what you guys are doing with php/perl w/o
writing a line of code.  It is fully portable to all major operating
systems and databases.  People often think GNUe needs maturing because
they dont see a finished ERP.  I'm telling you the architecture is pretty
much there.  When 0.5.0 gets released (should be within a two weeks) we
will suprass the feature set of Oracle SQL*Forms 7.0.

As to the coffee shop demo, Im all for it.  I'm on the east side, but work
downtown either location is fine for me.
