802.11b vs 802.11g
Kevin Brown
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:43:42 -0700
BoBB wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 08:43:20PM -0700, Kevin Brown wrote:
>>2) 802.11g is capable of 55Mbps versus 11Mbps for 11b and is backwards
>>compatible to 11b.
>>From what I have read its "capable" of 55mbps but average performance is
> the same as 802.11b, mainly because the spec on 802.11g is not completed
> yet and so the hardware is not full spec. You'll probably get extra
> speed out of 802.11g but not very much, and you will most likely end up
> wanting to upgrade the hardware either way because I think 802.11g will
> end up becoming the standard, as fast as 802.11a and backwards
> compatible etc etc ... again this is just what i've heard or read, could
> be wrong.
Last I checked the spec had been finalized. The newest Apples come with 802.11g
wireles cards in the Powerbook line. Both Apple and Cisco have released 802.11g
access points.