OT: GPS accuracy
David Mandala
21 Mar 2003 13:40:47 -0700
Actually is was quite funny, in the last war over there the military had
to turn off the futzing because so many of the fliers were using their
own civilian GPS's which had moving maps and the military stuff did not!
Too funny
On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 13:36, Peter Buechler wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I thought that they could turn the dither on the GPS
> civilian signal on based upon the region. Therefore they could degrade the
> GPS signals over southwest Asia but not the rest of the world.
> Maybe you were in a RAIM hole when you got the bad reading.
> On Friday 21 March 2003 12:42 pm, Kevin Buettner wrote:
> > On Mar 21, 11:46am, kallen3@hal.icircus.net wrote:
> > > Just thought I pass along that GPS accuracy has been degraded
> > > as was being predicted to the war in Iraq. Last night and
> > > earlier today I got an accuracy of 33 feet. Just tried it now
> > > and got an accuracy of 223 feet. Well there goes my plans of
> > > me and kismet going out for a drive.
> >
> > After reading your message, I turned on my Etrex Vista. The satellite
> > page claims an accuracy of 16 feet. I checked it against a waypoint
> > that I set when I first bought the unit. It looked to be spot on to
> > me.
> >
> > FWIW, I've noticed (in the past) that the claimed accuracy varies
> > greatly with signal stength and the number of satellites that it can
> > see.
> >
> > Kevin
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David IS Mandala
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