Mozilla + Java = broken

Michelle Lowman
17 Mar 2003 09:19:58 -0700

On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 16:42, Alan Dayley wrote:
> On Sunday 16 March 2003 14:18, Bryce C wrote:
> > For Mozilla 1.3 (which is awesome and the whole world should use it,
> > whya aren't you?), I simply unpacked SUN's JRE 1.4.1 in my /usr/local/
> > directory and symlinked
> > /usr/local/j2re1.4.1_02/plugin/i386/ns610/ to
> > /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/.  I do realize this is not blackdown java
> > but I would think it's similar.
> > Again, why only 1.0.1? 1.3 is very stable.
> It is what came with RH 8.0 and I haven't bothered to update...yet.
> Alan

Maybe this is too obvious (but I'm running rh8.0, moz1.0.1, and
blackdown java 1.4.1, and mine works :)  ), but check 


and make sure that it contains

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           63 Feb  2 23:18 -> /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/
