Free (Broken) 21" Monitor
Gene Holmerud
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 09:53:09 -0800 (PST)
There is a recycling place on Sherman St (north side
just west of I-17, few blocks north of Buckeye, use
25th Av. from south, or Grant St. exit from north).
I've only driven by. It's in an
industrial/warehousing district.
--- Bart Garst <> wrote:
> Computer Recycling day in Phoenix is April 26th.
> Bart
> >>>
> As you may recall, last week I was asking if anyone
> knew
> of any repair shops for CRT monitors. (Thanks to
> those
> that responded.)
> I've come to the conclusion that it's not
> economically
> viable to pay someone to fix this thing. So
> .........
> If there's anyone with electronic skills who feels
> they
> can resuscitate this critter (Nokia 445X) they're
> welcome to it.
> Just come and get it (North central Phoenix) ...
> better bring your truck
> (70 lb.)
> Contact me off-list if you're interested.
> Fritz
> P.S. In the event that no one is interested, what's
> the
> ecologically responsible way to dispose of this? Is
> there a computer recycling center here in metro Phx?
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