Open udp netbios ports.
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 17:09:44 -0700
Hash: SHA1
and this is WHY I've been looking for a job in this field. I never assume the
system is secure (I know, I've found out the hard way just how easy it is to
get a rootkit in to a box).
unfortunately, it seems my resume is often looked at and discarded (I never
hear back from any one, with only 2 exceptions).
someone willing to give a visually impaired linux guru a break?
On Saturday 15 March 2003 09:03 am, Dennis Davis wrote:
> It's amazing, spend all that money for good equipment and then don't
> configure it correctly due to some dullard decison maker who knows
> nothing about networking and security.
> That business will most likely have a new remote silent partner running
> their business in the next few days.
> My thoughts before coffee.....
> Dennis
> David Mandala wrote:
> >You have a pretty good start on a totally secure machine but I disagree
> >on a few details, to get a totally secure machine you need to put it in
> >a steel and concrete vault, in there build a 10'x10'x10' form and fill
> >it with rebar steel, pour it 1/2 full of concrete then place the
> >computer in the center of mass and finish filling the form. When done
> >and concrete is hardened for at least a week you may have a totally
> >secure computer, but it could be cracked if someone was stubborn enough
> >and had enough time with a jackhammer. But the vault steel doors and
> >guards should stop the time and access required.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Davidm
> >
> >(-;
> >
> >On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 04:02, technomage wrote:
> >>Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >>who is this "nutbar" who thinks they are totoally secure? I'd like to
> >> know so that I can avoid meeting him unless I have reason to.
> >>
> >>totally secure = power supply isolated, non-networked machine behind 2
> >> layers of steel doors and lots of guards.
> >>
> >>anything else is debatable.
> >>
> >>Technomage
> >>
> >>On Saturday 15 March 2003 03:17 am, Entelin wrote:
> >>>I have a client I am trying to convince to install a firewall, (eather
> >>>iptables or preferably cisco PIX). They have practicly every service
> >>>under the sun open, the only reason their tcp netbios ports are closed
> >>>is because cox filters them. The only reason I am having to convince
> >>>them of anything is because they have another linux tech working for
> >>>them and he is somehow convinced that they are completely secure "at the
> >>>deamon level" wrote a big email to my client saying they dident need to
> >>>install a firewall, or even close totaly unused ports on their box!
> >>>(they even had echo and chargen open before I at least convinced them to
> >>>close those ie: forged packet between echo and chargen = storm).
> >>>nevermind the two root exploits their sendmail is at risk for. and the
> >>>password sniffing of their login,telnet etc.. god..
> >>>
> >>>ANYWAY sorry for that rant. back on topic I was wondering if I could do
> >>>anything with these udp ports in absence of the filtered tcp netbios
> >>>ports. ? as in gain any kind of access or DoS.
> >>>
> >>>137/udp open netbios-ns
> >>>138/udp open netbios-dgm
> >>>139/udp open netbios-ssn
> >>>
> >>>Thanks :)
> >>>
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