Need some school help
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 00:58:04 -0700 (MST)
Am 14. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte so:
> The project can be web based or just a DB with a VB type front end
Well, I'm not going to help anyone start using VB.
Maybe you could help someone move from VB.
Derek might have something you can do with GNUenterprise. Platform
independent. Database independent. You get to work on high level design and
implementation. It works as a locally running app or as a web app.
There's also the GNUwinII project that's making CDs with Free Software for
m$. That's based out of a Uni in Switzerland, so it'd also be a chance for
some cultural exchange. Maybe you could even get the other 3 team members t=
move off outlook, so you won't have to worry about them bombing you with
viruses the night before a project is due ;-).
> with possible web access to it. It can virtually be anything, the only
> limitations is that it has to be something that can be run from a MS
> machine, intially anyways. Conversion can of course be discussed AFTER
> I graduate :) ( as that I will have a LOT of free time then..) The only
> reason there is really a linux limitation is because the team members hav=
> no experience with it. I have SOME linux experience, but not enough to
> complete a MYSQL project in < 12 weeks or so.
It wouldn't take much to get them up to speed, if they're interested. In an=
case, start with something using a non-proprietary setup using a portable
> Believe it or not, but 99% of the time people are working on projects tha=
> use Access as the DB. *I* do however have experience with MSSQL, so that
> would be acceptable, but not likely due to the costs involved.
Several Free Software databases run on m$ and they're legal.
# Freedom isn't everything, but without freedom you have nothing. - der.ha=