Need some school help
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 00:51:03 -0700 (MST)
Am 13. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte Dr. Ghastly so:
> I am currently enrolled at DeVRY and one of the classes I am taking this
> semester is Senior Project. The class basically consists of going out to =
> business (for or not for profit), getting a project that they need to hav=
> done, and do it for them, for free of course. One of the problems with th=
You could help put on the InstallFest :).
Could you help work on a Free Software project? Maybe create some plugins
for The GIMP, or add some features to XMMS or winamp, or help maintain the
PLUG web site, or help build the AZOTO web site, or learn some python and
help with the KJZZ project, or help us learn how to customize Knoppix (
which would lead to a great presentation at the InstallFest, *wink, wink,
nudge, nudge* ).
Do a couple of you know PHP? There are several projects for that that I
could mention. PHP runs on GNU/Linux and m$.
Interested in learning a little about security? Interested in getting
someone setup with LTSP?
> is that the people I am doing this project with have absolutely no
> experience with linux at all, and therfore this would be a "Non-Linux"
Not a requirement for the projects I mentioned. Plenty of Free Software
projects out there that are multi-platform.
Just a few thoughts :).
> project. The project we tried to get was taken, and we are only left with
> projects that are far too small for a 4 person team. Is there anyone out
> there that knows of any organization that would need this kind of service=
> As that I am graduating from school with my BS this semester, it is VERY
> important I complete this class.
> The project does not have to be one huge project that will take 4 people
> 12-13 weeks to do, it can be one or more slammer ones all rolled into one=
> We just need enough work to last that long.
> I would be EXTREMELY grateful for any help here, as that we do not have m=
> time to find an organization.
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# Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans