Need some school help
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 8:25:26 -0500
The project can be web based or just a DB with a VB type front end with possible web access to it. It can virtually be anything, the only limitations is that it has to be something that can be run from a MS machine, intially anyways. Conversion can of course be discussed AFTER I graduate :) ( as that I will have a LOT of free time then..) The only reason there is really a linux limitation is because the team members have no experience with it. I have SOME linux experience, but not enough to complete a MYSQL project in < 12 weeks or so.
Believe it or not, but 99% of the time people are working on projects that use Access as the DB. *I* do however have experience with MSSQL, so that would be acceptable, but not likely due to the costs involved.
I know, it's asking alot, especially from a linux mailing list :) but I don't really have any choice, and I *really* want to get out of this place.
America stands for freedom - but if you think you're free - try walking into a deli - and urinating on the cheese.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: Need some school help
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Dr. Ghastly wrote:
> > I am currently enrolled at DeVRY and one of the classes I am taking this
> > semester is Senior Project. The class basically consists of going out to a
> > business (for or not for profit), getting a project that they need to have
> > done, and do it for them, for free of course. One of the problems with this
> > is that the people I am doing this project with have absolutely no
> > experience with linux at all, and therfore this would be a "Non-Linux"
> What type of project?
> What class or topic?
> Programming? Audio (and/or video) engineering? Website development?
> Building robots?
> (I am unfamiliar with the range of classes at DeVRY.)
> Do you have any examples?
> Jeremy C. Reed