Linux at ASU Conference?
Austin Godber
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:46:13 -0700
Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> If you were a network administrator of a network that is being watched for
> things like illegal downloads would you let just any box be connected
> without knowing who it was?
Ownership is assumed based on machine location ... if its in Dr
SoAndSo's office, then its his.
> They are not saying no Linux boxes can be connected,
> just saying they must be registered like any other box.
Other OSes are not required to be registered.
A database is a bad idea to begin with. The machines in that building
(Goldwater) are probably very dynamic. I know that I probably have OSes
change on my hardware several times a semester. Thats the nature of
research and having many students comming in and out. It would probably
be horribly out of date within months.
They are better off watching their network more closely.