Worth while bash hack (makes history even more valuable)

David Mandala plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
11 Mar 2003 22:47:54 -0700

I disagree with you there Hans. I teach them about the alias so they
know what is going on. If they man rmi or cpi they will not find it so
that is a much worse idea then just a bit of explanation.



On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 22:25, der.hans wrote:
> Am 11. Mar, 2003 schwätzte David Mandala so:
> > # User specific aliases and functions
> > alias rm='rm -i'
> > alias cp='cp -i'
> > alias mv='mv -i'
> If you must alias these, please alias them to rmi, cpi, and mvi or something
> like that. Getting people who aren't familiar with *NIX to think that rm
> asks before rming things is a major disservice. Sure it's great if all they
> ever know is Red Hat or Mandrake, but if they ever use a different dist or a
> commercial *NIX they are going to hose themselves.
> ciao,
> der.hans
David IS Mandala
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