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Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, March 11
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O'Reilly User Group Program
March 11, 2003
Please share this information with your members...
Highlights This Week:
Book News
-Python in a Nutshell
-Google Hacks
Upcoming Events
-Darryl Leon and Scott Markel ("Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell")
at San Diego Technical Books April 5
-O'Reilly will be exhibiting T FOSE April 8-10, Washington, DC
-Free Amazon Workshop at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
-O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference Early Bird Savings Ends This
-User Group Members can "Go On Safari"
-Happy Google Hacks Week
-Welcome to Web Services
-Hot Spots Start to Get Real
-Web Services Security, Part 1
-Using Hierarchical Data Sets with Aspire and Tomcat
-Special Offer For .NET Users
-Mac OS X Innovators Contest
-FileMaker Pro Design Tips
-The Subtleties of Mac OS X
Announcements From Your Peers
-San Gabriel Valley Linux Users Group, March 13 speakers
both named Todd
Book News
Review books are available--email me for a copy.
***Please include the book order number on your requests.
Let me know if you need your books by a certain date.
Allow at least four weeks for shipping.
Send or email me copies of your newsletters and book reviews.
Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.
***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
Please let me know if you are interested.
Press releases are available on our press page:
***Python in a Nutshell
Order Number: 1886
"Python in a Nutshell," in the tradition of O'Reilly's "In a Nutshell"
series, offers Python programmers one place to look when they need help
remembering or deciphering the syntax of this open source language and
its many modules. This comprehensive reference guide makes it easy to
look up all the most frequently needed information--not just about the
Python language itself, but also the most frequently used parts of the
standard library and the most important third-party extensions.
Chapter 4, "The Python Language," is available online:
***Google Hacks
Order Number: 4478
The more you know about Google, the better you are at pulling data off
the web. This concise book shows power users how to mine the enormous
amount of information that Google has access to. You'll learn clever
and powerful methods for using the advanced search interface and the
new Google API, including how to build and modify scripts that can
become custom business applications based on Google.
Sample hacks are available here:
(This book is hot! We are currently back ordered on it.
If you are waiting for a copy, it might take a little longer.)
Upcoming Events
***Darryl Leon and Scott Markel ("Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell") at
San Diego Technical Books April 5
Darryl Leon and Scott Markel, authors of "Sequence Analysis in a
Nutshell, " will be at San Diego Tech Books on Saturday, April 5 at 12
noon. They'll be signing copies of their book and talking shop about
bioinformatics, and SD Tech Books will be giving away a few O'Reilly
books and t-shirts to lucky people in attendance.
Order Number: 494X
***O'Reilly will be exhibiting at FOSE April 8-10.
FOSE is the largest information technology exposition serving the
government marketplace.
For a free pass to attend FOSE go to:
We also have some paper passes available. If you would like some,
please let me know.
Conference News
***Free Amazon Workshop at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
Amazon.com employees and third party developers share case studies and
demonstrations during this free full-day workshop that examines the
Amazon platform in depth, with a specific focus on Web Services APIs.
Space is limited. Register no later than April 7, 2003 by sending an
email to Linda Holder at lholder@oreilly.com. Please include the
following information: name, title, company, mailing address, phone
number, and email address.
***O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference Early Bird Savings Ends This
User Group members who register before March 14, 2003, get a
double discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20%
off the "Early Bird" price.
To register, go to:
For more info on the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference:
Safari News
***User Group Members can "Go On Safari"
If you're not yet familiar with the O'Reilly Network Safari Bookshelf,
it's worth a look. With Safari, you can access over 1,000 technical
books from the top technical book publishers--O'Reilly (of course),
Pearson, and Microsoft Press. There is an extremely cool search
capability that allows you to search through all 1,000+ books for the
answer you need--or even code samples--in minutes.
We have an introductory program just for user group members. To "Go on
Safari," any of your members who sign up for our Safari 14-day free
trial send comments on their experiences, or tips and tricks for how
they used Safari (it only needs to be 2 sentences long, but it may be
longer) to safari_talk@oreilly.com.
Every week someone will be chosen from the tips or comments submitted
to receive fun stuff from O'Reilly (T-shirts, book bags, or other
surprises). If a member of your user group is selected, your group
receives free gifts, too. Whatever the individual member receives, your
UG will get one, too, to give away at your next meeting, or use however
you see fit. Recipients--and their comments--will be announced in the
User Group Newsletter.
**Please use this special UG URL to sign up for the 14-day trial**
For more information on Safari:
News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***Happy Google Hacks Week
Did you know you can get more than 10 results at a time with Google
News search? Do you know what Clich-Go-Round and Moogle are? Learn how
to make Google perform for you at ResearchBuzz, Tara Calishain's web
site. Tara is a coauthor of "Google Hacks."
Google Hacks
Order Number: 4478
***Welcome to Web Services
WebServices.XML.com is a new sister site to XML.com, which will cover
topics related to web services and Internet-wide computing. Managing
Editor Edd Dumbill provides an introduction to the new site, and
guidelines for potential authors.
Check out these other new changes from O'Reilly--
Hacks - Industrial-Strength Tips and Tricks
This book series web site includes:
A List of Titles, Gotta Hack?, and a Suggestion Box.
Developer Weblogs
A brand new home for O'Reilly's Bloggers.
***Hot Spots Start to Get Real
More and more public locations are cutting the Internet cord and going
wireless. Glenn Fleishman provides you with an update of who's hot, and
who's not.
Web Services
***Web Services Security, Part 1
The first in a four part series discussing major issues related to
securing web services and covering the emerging XML-based security
standards from the W3C and OASIS.
***Using Hierarchical Data Sets with Aspire and Tomcat
While much of the database world is relational, a great deal of data is
hierarchical--think web pages, XML, and Java classes. Aspire lets you
retrieve and manipulate hierarchical data sets.
***Special Offer For .NET Users
Have you heard about the O'Reilly "In a Nutshell" books that integrate
with Visual Studio .NET? They're a marriage between the quality
reference material you've come to expect from O'Reilly and the
convenience of the powerful, built-in help that comes with Visual
Studio .NET.
We think these help-integrated versions of our "In a Nutshell" books
are so beneficial that we want every developer to try the Visual Studio
.NET edition of "VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell" for free. It is
fully functional and there is no time limit for its use.
***Mac OS X Innovators Contest
Have you created a Mac OS X application, plug-in, or some other type of
innovative software that you believe is top in its class? Then enter it
in the Mac OS X Innovators contest. First prize is an ADC Premier
membership (includes WWDC pass, hardware credits, and tons of other
benefits) plus a full pass to the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference plus a
one year subscription to the premium online book service, Safari--
these awards total nearly $5,000 for the first place winner.
Additionally, the winning entry will be featured in O'Reilly
publications, promoted through its various channels, and featured at
the upcoming Emerging Technology Conference. Deadline for entires is
March 28.
Find out how to enter here:
***FileMaker Pro Design Tips
When designing a FileMaker database for clients, co-workers, or
friends, a clean, attractive user interface is important. Alan Graham
shares some favorite tips gleaned from years of experience.
***The Subtleties of Mac OS X
Here's a rundown of some favorite, lesser-known Mac OS X features, from
developer tools to network services to Unix text-editing tools, by
Jason McIntosh, coauthor of "Mac OS X in a Nutshell."
Mac OS X in a Nutshell
Order Number: 3706
Announcements From Your Peers
***Southern California--Two presentations from people named Todd...at
the San Gabriel Valley Linux Users Group
Todd Cranston-Cuebas will talk about "How to Get Hired in the Tech
Industry" and Todd Lyons will talk about email encryption. At the end
of the meeting there will be a "Keysigning Party" where people can
physically verify that they are who they claim to be--if you want to
participate in the keysigning, read the preliminary instructions at:
San Gabriel Valley Linux Users Group
March 13, 2003
Room 101, Guggenheim Building
Caltech Campus
Pasadena, California
For more information and directions see:
Until next time--