Free Wi-Fi access at Coffee Society on Ray and I-10.
Garrett E
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 17:45:47 -0700
Do they keep track of who uses their wifi? Seems like a legal incident
waiting to happen if they just give it out. Too many people abuse that sort
of thing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael F. March" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Free Wi-Fi access at Coffee Society on Ray and I-10.
> Coffee Society on Ray Rd. knowingly offers free WiFi access. I am trying
> to support them by loading up on coffee and bagels from there.. If you
> value that type of service, please try to support them too.
> Anyone know of any other places that do the same thing?
> --
> <admiral>
> Michael F. March -----
> Ph: (602)410-1780 ---- Fax: (602)296-0400
> P.O. Box 2254 ---- Phoenix, AZ 85002-2254
> "Seriously" - HSR
> ---------------------------------------------------
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