sh Script to telnet
George Toft
Sat, 08 Mar 2003 10:50:39 -0500
"der.hans" wrote:
> =
> Am 07. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte Austin Godber so:
> =
> > > It would be good to get sshd running on the HP box if possible.
> > And if people are reluctant to install SSH I have found that telling
> > your boss what his password is provides a good incentive. Granted th=
> > was acceptible in my environment, I can imagine it would get you fire=
> > in others perhaps.
> =
> =
> Randal recently posted that to a thread about the dumbest thing done at=
> work. In most environments you shouldn't run sniffers or try to crack
> anything unless it's specifically part of your job description.
> =
> ciao,
> =
> der.hans
> --
Using Solaris "snoop" or any packet analyzers is specifically prohibited
at a certain company I know of in the Valley, and will get you fired. =
So is telnetting to a port other than 23, even though this is a
wonderful troubleshooting tool.
-- =
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