running a job on the 2nd Sunday of each month?
Scott H
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:01:24 -0800 (PST)
>>On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Scott H wrote:
>>I can't figure out how to run a cron job on the
>>2nd Sunday of every month, at 4am. What would
>> that line look like? Or is this not possible?
> according to
> man crontab this will run on the 8th through
> the 14th *and* every Sunday
> which is why I wrote date checking as the
> beginning of the script. I have
> not run this schedule myself so I am trusting
> the man pages to be right.
I am also trusting the same.
> Make the first line of the script check for
> day of the week and exit if
> it's not Sunday. <snip>
OK, thanks, and how does one write that? (Sorry,
newbie at all this, I'm RTFMing, but haven't
found that yet)
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