I'd like some tutoring

Mark Myers plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
02 Mar 2003 10:40:16 -0700

Have you tried any beginner Linux books? That might be a good place to
start. I know some people have a hard time learning from books. I know
my wife likes to be taught visually with lots of hands on and visual

Personally, I think the cats sound very tasty!

Mark M.

On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 03:01, Siri Amrit Kaur wrote:
> I read this list all the time, but this is my first post. 
> I'm currently running an installed Knoppix and Libranet. I have a lot of 
> questions about fstab, partitionioning my drives, getting the system to see 
> my CD burner properly, LILO or GRUB config, learning some more command line, 
> etc... I RTFM, but still find myself stuck. It's way too much stuff for me to 
> post all my questions here. 
> Would someone be willing to come to my house for a few hours of one-on-one 
> tutoring? I can offer you:
> A. Some $$ (a little)
> B. Lunch or dinner 
> C. Home-roasted coffee (I know, Hans, not for you!)
> D. Maybe a few cats?
> I'm in Mesa, but illness make it hard for me to get to the meetings or 
> participate in PLUG as much as I would like. If someone could help get my 
> burner working I could burn a bunch or Knoppix discs or Slackware 8.1 for the 
> InstallFest.
> Call me in the evenings at 480-668-6008 or drop me an email if you're 
> interested.
> Peace!
> Siri Amrit 
> www.tigerflag.com