Startup Script

Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:52:28 -0700 (MST)

Am 26. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte Eric Thelin so:

> nohup itself will keep a process from receiving the signal that
> indicates that the shell closed.  Then you put it into the background so
> that you can continue to use the shell for other things.  Most
> distributions have a script like rc.local that runs last and is an easy
> place for your custom commands.  Such a local startup script would be a
> very easy place for you to put the command (and you wouldn't even need
> the nohup because there sould be no regular shell to send the signal but
> you would still need the &).  But alas debian doesn't seem to have an
> equivalent of the rc.local.  Hopefully one of the debian advocates on
> this list will feel the disturbance in the force as I complain about
> debian and tell me I am just missing it.  If the debian masters fail to
> correct me I would say the best thing to do for your program is to read
> through the other startup scripts in /etc/init.d/ then pick one to copy
> and modify.  You would then need to create a symlink to that script in
> /etc/rc3.d/ with a name such as S80veritas where the S80 means to it is
> a start script and to execute it after S70 but before S90.

echo "mycommand &" >>/etc/init.d/local
update-rc.d local start 99 3 .

Copy one of the daemon files in /etc/init.d if this is for a daemon process
that should also provide stop and reload options.


#  Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll,
#  keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen