PLUG Meeting Topic

Tue, 24 Jun 2003 09:50:47 -0700

I was referring to the topic of tonights meeting at GCC :P But thanks
that sounds interesting im going to try my hardest to show up to the
sequoia meeting next month :)

On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:14AM -0700, Ed Skinner wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 June 2003 09:08, BoBB wrote:
> > Yeah I assumed it wasn't gonna happen :P But I wanna know what the topic
> > actually is :P
> Bob,
>       The presentation (90 minutes) will draw on selected sections from the 
> commercial course (8 hours). My goal in the PLUG presentation is to focus on 
> the more interesting (some would say, debatable or arguable) aspects of the 
> GPL and open source licensing and how it directly, and potentially (as in 
> "SCO versus IBM") impacts commercial use of open source software.
>      The above course is still under development and is scheduled for a July 
> 18 "debut" presentation. The PLUG presentation which occurs a week prior to 
> that date will, of course, be a subset.
>      Hope that helps.
>      Please feel free to contact me directly (see for 
> telephone number, etc.).
> -- 
> Ed Skinner,,
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