Traffic Tickets Was: Fw: Attack of the Killer RIAA FUD App (Was Re: know people in

Derek Neighbors
23 Jun 2003 07:43:14 -0700

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On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 06:17, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> How about taking this discussion off list. OK guys?
> Or, at least, change the subject line to something relavent!

I found the original dicussion to be interesting.  Where someone stated
if everyone speeds on the 60 freeway then its okay to.  Then they stated
instituting a big brother system to prevent law breaking.

I think they are seeing it incorrectly.  If EVERYONE is breaking some
law, it is HIGHLY likely the law is flawed.  For example when the 60 was
widened to like 6 lanes each side so many people were doing over 55, I
believe they increased the speed limit to 65 in that stretch (could be

In the same way if people are downloading music like mad and violating
copyright.  This tells me there is something wrong with music
distribution schemes and copyright law.  We don't need a way to 'big
brother' the public, we need to fix the problems in distribution and
copyright law.

That said, acting in civil disobedience is no excuse to break the law.=20
Downloading copyrighted music w/o permission is against the law.  I
don't condone it or endorse it, but it's apparent the music industry
needs to change.

Derek Neighbors
GNU Enterprise

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