Kernel 2.4.21

Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:50:29 -0700 (MST)

Am 17. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte Miles Beck so:

> Speaking of 2.4.21 I was thinking of upgrading my debian system to this
> kernel. Is there a good site that explains how to do this?

apt-get update && apt-cache search ^kernel-image-2.4.2

I don't see 2.4.21 yet.

When installing debian now keeps the last two kernels available ( maybe the
RPM packagers could learn something from this! ) as Linux and LinuxOLD.

Both use initrd, so make sure that gets setup in lilo or grub.

I suggest keeping bf24 on the system as well, so you have an emergency
kernel that doesn't use initrd.


#  The only way for a woman to change a man
#  is if he's wearing Depends[TM] - der.hans