Good Bye Gnome, Hello KDE, I hope

Augie Grayfox
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 18:58:15 -0700

From: Tom Achtenberg <>
To: "''"=20
Subject: RE: Good Bye Gnome, Hello KDE, I hope
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 07:12:16 -0700

I've been a systems administrator for hundreds of win boxen - 95, 98, Nt4=
, 2K=20
workstations and servers and finally got fed up with the way win OSes dec=
to change for no reason whatsoever, so I gave up and switched to Linux.=20
Yes , you have to tweak your config but, once that's done you're stable a=
you don't have to worry about dll hell or any other fickle change that yo=
OS may want to put you through. No lockups for no reason, no blue screens=
, no=20
having to reboot and best of all no virii.
I control my computer ... it doesn't control me.
I'm not particularly in favor of any one OS  or distro but am much more=20
satisfied with Linux than I ever was with win.=20
BTW I run SuSE 8.0 on my main boxen with KDE and RH8 on another with Gnom=
e, 3=20
different Macs - 8.2 to OSX and 1 win 98SE and am going to get Debian for=
firewall on one of my unused boxen.
Like was said in an earlier post...chew slowly and make sure you digest y=
food thoroughly.
Augie Grayfox
grayfox78 at cox dot net

"When things go wrong, don't go with them"  Anonymous

 ----Original Message-----
I'm still here because I don't like to give up on something before I exha=
all possibilities.  I keep hearing from a few people how wonderful and ea=
to use Linux is and I'd like to see it.  I agree with the concept of open=
source.  Unfortunately I have yet to find Linux to be so fantastic or=20
experience all the negative I've heard from this group about Microsoft an=
Red Hat. =20

What does bother me is you have some people on this list complaining abou=
Microsoft for all it's alleged problems and at the same time ignoring all=
hoops they need to jump through to run Linux.  By this I mean things like=
recompiling the kernel to get a printer to work etc.  What's the differen=
between doing that and tweaking something in Windows?  Why is one accepta=
and the other is not?  I also don't like all the complaining some of thes=
people do about commercial software (meaning any software you have to pay=
for) and at the same time complaining about all the out of work programme=

I'm trying to give Linux a chance for my desktop but I'm not going to sit=
and listen to all the Microsoft bashing and ignore all the blatant short=20
comings of the Linux desktop.  For someone like me who uses several email=
accounts and discussion lists, Kmail is the best email client I've seen. =
I can ever get my Linux desktop stable enough to rely on it will become m=
email client of choice. =20