Good Bye Gnome, Hello KDE, I hope

Robert Wultsch
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 00:21:00 -0700

Knoppix is debian!!! Just to be clear.

David Mandala wrote:

> Debian is on of the hardest versions of Linux to get correctly installed
> and configured. Slackware is right up with it. For the most part the
> Debian community is not too interested in ease of use vs fun to hack.
> Also Debian's hardware detection is very poor as compared to other
> distros, that is where Knoppix really shines.
> Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE are more interested in ease of use. 
> I run couple of Red Hat boxes, a Mandrake box, and a Debian box. I also
> recently had the fun of installing Slackware for a day, it's gone now, I
> decided not to continue with it.
> Cheers,
> Davidm
> On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 23:37, Thanasis Kinias wrote:
>>scripsit David Huerta:
>>>Eh, somehow I get the impression you're not quite ready for Debian
>>>yet.  We'll work on making you a h4rdc0r3 Linux user in the mean time.
>>I realize you're not entirely serious, but I am curious why you would
>>say someone would be `not quite ready for Debian yet' but might be for
>>RH, for example.  Assuming one has recourse to support for figuring out
>>the drivers to set up in the installation (or uses Knoppix to install?),
>>I can't imagine why running a Debian desktop box would be any more of a
>>trial for a new Linux user than any other distro...