project suggestions

Alan Dayley
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 18:16:24 -0700 (GMT)

Liberty Young wrote:
> derek, 
> Perhaps you can have an "Intro" class at the next plug-devel
> meeting...give us all chance to see what we'd be getting into, answer
> questions directly, outline your ideas a litle more, etc. etc. 
> It's easier to say "I'll do it!" in a list format, but i'd have a more
> realistic answer after attending one class. 

We already have a volunteer presenter lined up for the next Devel meeting on August 4th.  However, we could:

A. Have an Intro to GNUe meeting on a different, sooner date as the standard PLUG meeting or a special meeting.  I could probably get Adtron to provide the facility or we could do it elsewhere.


B. Negotiate to trade the presentation already on tap for August 4th for a presentation by Derek.  It is a long ways off, though.

Of course, all of this depends on what Derek would like to do.  I have seen the intro presentation and it is impressive.  If you have any inclination toward enterpise/data base application tools, an opportunity to learn GNUe more in depth should not be passed by! 
