First Analyst Impressed By SCO's 'Proof'
Alan Dayley
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:30:35 -0700 (GMT)
It is not that scary, really. Why? Let's assume that some code really is the same in Linux and Unix. As far as I can gather from the article all SCO did was say "Look! They are the same!" That doesn't answer these questions:
-Did the code come from a third party code base?
-Did the code get put into Unix from Linux?
-Did the code get put into Unix AND Linux by SCO/Caldera?
-Did the code originate in BSD code that was already declared free of Unix license restrictions a decade or so ago?
There are many reasons why the code could be the same and still not help SCO's claims. The "devil is in the details" as always. SCO is not providing any details because they either don't know them or they would not help their current hype cause.
It will get ugly, but we already knew it would.
-------Original Message-------
From: Thomas Cameron <>
Sent: 06/06/03 08:59 AM
Subject: Re: First Analyst Impressed By SCO's 'Proof'
> To be honest, this is really scary news. I *hope* that IBM settles this by
buying SCO, but I suspect that will not happen. I think this could get
ugly, real soon.