small business accounting software

Mike Starke
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 13:48:11 -0500

I am sure this topic has been beat up before:
But what is the group's concensus on small
business accounting software for Linux?

I am a simple guy. althouhgh I am not an accountant by
any stretch, I think all I would like to see is the ability
to manage a chart of accounts, and then invoice. done.
mysql based would be a plus.

Here is what little I have learned thus far:

GNUcash: I like the fact that it s simple. However,
I would like to see basic invoiceing.

SQL-Ledger: I already run MySQL and hate to add another db server.
This is just a small consulting firm and this package is just a bit

NOLA: Hmmm, anyone have any comments?

QuickBooks via Wine: Like it or not, Quickbooks
is darn near the defacto standard software for sb's.
I haven't checked yet, but I am reasonably certain
QB would run under Wine.

Any others?
