Mozilla: import Pine email? and other Questions

Carl Parrish
04 Jun 2003 17:29:15 -0700

Evolution uses a lot of mozilla code. (or maybe just the code I was
interesed in) anyway if you can get it in evolution format it'll work in

On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 16:28, Bryce C wrote:
> 1. Evolution has an option to import mail from Pine. Perhaps you can
> then re-export it from there. Or, you'll just find that you like
> evolution and stick with it.
> 2. You can A) set-up an imap mail server to share the mail or B) put
> .mozilla in an NFS share and mount it to /home/bill/.mozilla/
> 3. I recomend LDAP for this. I share my address book, and much more,
> using an LDAP server across multiple platforms and programs including a
> nice web interface that I wrote for me/it.
> 3b. For a worgroup-like solution, I'd recommend using e-smith from Mitel
> networks. It has some really great features for just that sort of thing.
> On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 15:12, William Lindley wrote:
> > 1. I've been using Pine for years and my ~/mail folder has folders of
> > email dating back quite a ways... There's a way to import messages from
> > Netscape, but I don't see any way of importing my Pine folders.
> > 
> > 2. I would like to use Mozilla Mail from several computers on my network,
> > how do I set the location of the message store to an nfs-mounted place
> > instead of something like
> > 
> >    /home/bill/.mozilla/default/96fmzzv1.slt
> > 
> > (I thought surely that must be on Edit/Preferences but it's not -- why
> > not?)
> > 
> > 3. How can I share an address book between multiple users of Mozilla on
> > multiple computers?  All users should be able to view, add, and edit
> > entries.  Most of my clients are small companies who need a "workgroup"
> > address book like this, and this would enable the to switch off that nasty
> > proprietary system.
> > 
> > In all cases, the help files or Google haven't turned up anything useful.
> > 
> > Any suggestions on this?
> > 
> > \\/
> >
> > 
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