Problems with gs, apsfilter, and Canon bjc6000

Sun, 17 Sep 100 16:26:06 -0700 (MST)

Ok, I'll try it again (the previous one I sent failed with nary a peep - and
I stupidly have my email set up to not keep a copy, so here goes again from
scratch - oh, well).

I (foolishly) bought a Canon bjc6000 printer (foolishly because it is 
not fully supported on linux - that's a different story I'll spare everyone
from, but I will say I'm not a happy Canon customer).

It looked like I needed to upgrade everything, so I downloaded and
installed gs 6.01 and the most recent (I think) version of apsfilter.

Everything seemed to go fine, until I actually tried to print something.
All I get is an error message in the log, to wit:

 Status: subserver pid 18644 starting at 18:30:41.487
 Status: accounting at start at 18:30:41.514
 Status: waiting for subserver to exit at 18:30:41.484
 Status: opening device '/dev/parport0' at 18:30:41.559
 Status: printing job 'root@base-station-alpha+640' at 18:30:41.560
 Status: processing '', size 226361, format 'f', IF filter 'aps1-bjc610a0.upp-letter-auto-default' at 18:30:41.560
 Status: IF filter 'aps1-bjc610a0.upp-letter-auto-default' filter msg - 'Make_passthrough: pid 18645, execve '/root/apsfilter/filter/aps1-bjc610a0.upp-letter-auto-default' failed - 'Permission denied'' at 18:30:41.564
 Status: IF filter 'aps1-bjc610a0.upp-letter-auto-default' filter exit status 'JABORT' at 18:30:41.564
 Status: printing finished at 18:30:41.564
 Status: accounting at end at 18:30:41.565
 Status: finished 'root@base-station-alpha+640', status 'JABORT' at 18:30:41.565
 Status: subserver pid 18644 exit status 'JABORT' at 18:30:41.566
 Status: job 'root@base-station-alpha+640' error 'aborting operations' at 18:30:41.566
 Status: removing job 'root@base-station-alpha+640' - ABORT at 18:30:41.568
 Filter_status: lp2 is ready and printing

I'm certain that the script is not actually getting executed because I put
a 'touch /tmp/foo' at the beginning and its not getting touched.

Here's the interesting parts of my /etc/printcap:

lp2|aps1-bjc6000a1.upp-letter-auto-default|Printer1 bjc6000a1.upp letter auto default:\

Here's ls -l of the if paths:

[root@base-station-alpha filter]# ls -l
total 44
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           16 Sep 14 18:52 aps1-bjc610a0.upp-letter-auto-default -> ../bin/apsfilter*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           16 Sep 14 18:52 aps2-bjc610a0.upp-letter-raw -> ../bin/apsfilter*
[root@base-station-alpha filter]# ls -l ../bin/apsfilter
-r-xr-xr-x    1 bin      wheel       55807 Sep 14 19:13 ../bin/apsfilter*
[root@base-station-alpha filter]# 

Does anyone have a clue what's wrong?  I'm certainly highly clue-challenged
at this point...
