Philosophical Question
Ted Gould
30 Jan 2003 23:22:46 -0700
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> How about on-line banking? Like bill paying and
> account-to-account transfers. That's the real reason
> I use Quicken. I asked about trying to that myself
> since I run my real accounting (for rentals) on my
> Amiga (nearly 10 years old now). But Quicken can
> import a ".qif" file, a simple text file that
> instructs Quicken how to instruct your bank.
I don't do any online banking, so I can't comment on the completeness of
this (not because of GnuCash, but more because I don't want to). I do
know that GnuCash will import .qif files, and in the 1.8 version they
are supporting OFX and HBCI online banking standards. For the rentals
and stuff, one of the main targets for the 1.8 GnuCash is small
businesses, so I imagine that it would handle that also. I think that
GNUe has something for that also, it's been a while since I looked at
GNUe stuff though.
Have fun,
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