I have no application form and I must rant
Michelle Lowman
30 Jan 2003 19:35:53 -0700
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On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 18:35, Mike Starke wrote:
> Sorry for the top-post:
> Have you ever heard the expression which deals with
> 'wars' and 'battles'?=20
> If you want to apply, get with their format. There are plenty
> of other fronts you can fight on.
> v/r
> -Mike
I just looked at their online application, and it has improved since the
last time I saw it. However, in response to your suggestion, I have to
Are you saying that I should have to cough up several hundred dollars
for a new operating system and office suite just so I can read and edit
one document?
I realize that there is a way around the issue this time, but there are
times when there is no way around it. If a document is meant to be
downloadable and readable by everyone, it should be in a non-proprietary
format. I will continue to promote the use of open formats (it's even in
my syllabus), but I don't consider it a "war" or a "battle". I consider
it common sense.
Kids, study your math. Key to the universe.
--Christopher Walken (as Gabriel in The Prophecy)
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