Movie database recommends
Dimitri Palev
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:53:08 -0800 (PST)
I would drop the dash in the web address.
--- Phil Mattison <> wrote:
> This is a fortuitous moment for you to bring that
> up. I am getting ready to
> start development of an online system that does
> almost exactly what you are
> looking for, with a few additional features. The
> basic idea is to enable
> private collectors to swap movies at no charge, and
> to use their private
> collections to make money for themselves if they
> choose (by renting their
> movies out to neighbors). I have already reserved a
> domain name
> ( and have it registered as a trade
> name in AZ and have a
> merchant services account for online payment
> processing. If you would like
> details on how collectors will be able to make
> income on their collections,
> of if you have suggestions for features, contact me
> by private email:
> >I am to the point with my DVDs that I really need a
> database app to
> >track them. Especially for tracking after the have
> been loaned out.
> >Basic requirements:
> >- Stores basic movie information
> >- Stores the bar code from the package to be used
> for indexing. I have
> >one of those "cuecat" barcode scanners, modified to
> only do ASCII
> >barcode data.
> >- Stores who checked it out and when
> >- Search and sort on various fields
> --
> Phil Mattison
> Ohmikron Corp.
> 480-722-9595
> 602-820-9452 Mobile
> ---------------------------------------------------
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