Jobs posted (posting potential job)
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 08:28:51 -0500
Offtopic (for list not thread):
looking for someone who may have powerful mojo over MS Access databases. =
will Check Carls site, but on my way into work and will have to do it lat=
Please reply off list.
On Friday 24 January 2003 05:57 pm, Carl Parrish wrote:
> now has a forum called "Consutant's Corner" where
> I'll be posting jobs. Also I've invited several recruiters to post any
> jobs they may have. Please feel free to post your skillset and / or
> times you may be available for contract work.If we can show traffic her=
> I *know* we will have more jobs posted. All of this is free. Just
> register for the site then log in and click "talk 2 us" you'll see the
> Consultant's Corner in the list of forums.