GDM theme not showing on remote hosts + GCONF

D Uhlman
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:42:19 -0700


Thanks Ted, you are correct. Also your advice helped me determine that 
there is a setting in gdmconf as follows, gdm-setup added an entry:


that settting uses the themed gdm the default is to use gdmlogin i.e.


gdmsetup causes changes to happen instantly, is it running gdm-restart 
or similiar or is the gdm.conf entry linked to a gconf key?

This has presented me with a problem finding the actual gconf keys if 
they exist. Is there a way to find them without tweezing through the gdm 
source? I have grepped through the gconf files but with no luck. Nor can 
I figure out where in the hierarchy they might have stuck it.

Better yet is there a general way to find gconf keys and where they 
might be stuck in the hierarchy?

David Uhlman
CTO 50km Inc.

Ted Gould wrote:
> I'm assuming that your using GNOME 2...  but when I run 'gdmsetup' it
> comes up with the 'General' settings tab having two drop boxes.  One for
> local, which is set for Graphical, and one for Remote, which is set to
> Standard.
> I imagine that all of the configuration information has been moved into
> gconf keys.  Most of the configuration for GNOME is that way in 2.x.  I
> couldn't find any keys for it in looking, but if you want to look
> through your gconf database the easiest way is to use 'gconf-editor'. 
> Be careful though, most of the values in there are auto-update, so
> changing them has an immediate impact to your applications.
> 		Have fun,
> 			Ted