Open Source CD
Carl Parrish
23 Jan 2003 12:09:15 -0700
I'm completely in agreement here. I just created one of these CD's for
an investor then realized that I had to upgrade mozilla. I'm not sure
how much time I could put into this project but am willing if anyone
needs me for anything. Note I think it would be a good idea to keep this
down to one CD and the current CNUwinII is already over 600M. I think
we'd have to pull a few things out (I *love* abiword but do we really
need abiword *and* OpenOffice on the same CD?). Perhaps they should
start having profiles for older boxes (Win3.1, 95 etc) you'd have
abiword and programs that could actually run there. For Faster machines
you'd have OpenOffice. Programmer tools could be pulled out onto a
separate disc etc
Carl Parrish (
Registered Linux User #295761
On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 23:48, der.hans wrote:
> Am 21. Jan, 2003 schwätzte Nathan England so:
> > What happened to the Open Source CD we were discussing a couple months ago?
> > I'm taking classes at Pima Community and I woud really like to hand out some
> > of the Open Office discs, along with other stuff.
> It got dropped here. I'd like to see PLUG put forth a team of a few people
> to help with some particular aspect.
> For instance, I've heard complaints that the Mozilla on the CD is ancient.
> It's 1.0 according to the site. I see 1.2.1 according to the Mozilla
> website, so, yeah, it appears GNUwinII is a little out of date.
> The PLUG group could adopt Mozilla to keep the current version ready for the
> CD. Having someone on the Mozilla team in PLUG would help :).
> Maybe we could adopt GNUe and get it on the CD.
> 1 person could make a difference, but 2 or 3 people working as a team could
> not only make a huge difference, but also show that PLUG is active in the
> community.
> Don't forget copies of Knoppix.
> > Did that project ever make it to iso somewhere?
> > Or did we stop with the Gnu <something> II cd ?
> GNUwinII,
> ciao,
> der.hans