Help, how do I recover from: Kylix 3 install kills MD9 rpm database
Gene Holmerud
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 19:52:42 -0800 (PST)
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Thanks Craig & Kevin
--- Kevin Brown <> wrote:
> >>rpm has commands to rebuild or initiate the rpm
> database to fix errors like
> >>this. My guess is that Kylix hasn't been updated
> to work properly with rpm4.
Could be. The Borland docs & their phone support only
mention MD8.2. See below. However, users on their
forum note that 9.0 works, if installed under a user
rather than as root (other pros & cons for either). I
was able to install as a user, but a lot of
functionality was missing (something their phone
support said happens). But the rpm db damage still is
> >>
> >>man rpm
> >>
> >>rpm --initdb
> >>or
> >>rpm --rebuilddb
> >>
> >>
> >>>I don't know how to recover from this, other than
> a
> >>>full install. Any suggestions?
> > redhat 8.0 would require...
> >
> > pkill rpm
> >
> > rm /var/lib/rpm/__*.db
> >
> > rpm --rebuilddb
> Yep. Didn't think about those steps, though RH8
> wouldn't be the only distro
> that would require that to reinitialize the RPM
> database.
I tried the above prior to one of my full installs to
recover. The rebuilddb gave an error msg and aborted.
The 1st attachment to this reply is a post from
Mandrake's archive about recovering from this problem
using db_load & db_dump (from BSD). It too failed.
> > BUT
> >
> > I think that there is a problem with installing
> packages built for rpm
> > -v3 with rpm -v4
> >
> > is it an older version of kylix?
No, only MD9 & K3 have been on this Lap.
> Hmm, Borlands own website says that Mandrake 9 is a
> Certified Distro from them
> for Kylix 3, so I guess it wouldn't be on old
> version. I wonder what is wrong
> since they list RH7.2, MK8.2 and Suse 7.3 as
> Supported.
I've only seen MD8.2 in their docs, only the users on mention 9.
The 2nd attachment is Mandrake's support suggestion,
of which I recognize very little of, or know what it
will do. But it's worth a try.
Meanwhile, I'm downloading 8.2 iso images
Thanks again,
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cvd : 19/10 10:53 : Incident created
Hi people,
I was upgrading a Mdk8.2-machine to Mdk9.0, but something went wrong. I do not know exactly what went wrong, because I was doing it remote and in a 'screen'. But now, when I try to install something, I get the following message:
rpmdb: Program version 4.0.14 doesn't match environment version 3.3.11
error: db4 error(22) from dbenv->open: Invalid argument
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Invalid argument (22)
error: cannot open /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm
Can someone tell me how to fix this? Tia!
sweller : 19/10 02:58 : Reply received
Firstly try: rpm --rebuilddb
If that doesn't work you'll have to dump your rpm database and reload then
try a rebuild.
To do that:
cd /var/lib/rpm
rm __db*
mv Packages Packages-ORIG
db_dump Packages-ORIG | db_load Packages
rpm --rebuilddb
Obviously if you haven't got db_dump available then you have another minor
problem, as you won't be able to install the rpm of it either.
In that case, I suggest you got to and download a tar ball of
the source and then compile db_dump and db_load.
- Si
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Mandrake Expert:
alans : 22/01 01:05 : Reply received try starting your system with nodma and try disabling apic in your bios. also
try entering noapic at the beginning of the bootup as well as nodma, press
<esc> at the splash screen and type:
linux noapic nodma <enter>
i have nothing to do with phone support.
Alan -- MandrakeSoft Support Team :)