RedHat 8.0 & MySQL issues??? (was RE: Troubleshooting X)
Craig White
20 Jan 2003 15:44:18 -0700
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:16, George Toft wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> >
> > what does this have to do with the price of tea in Taipei?
> >
> > # rpm -qa|grep mysql
> > mysqlclient9-3.23.22-6
> > mysql-devel-3.23.52-3
> > mod_auth_mysql-1.11-10
> > mysql-3.23.52-3
> > php-mysql-4.2.2-8.0.5
> > mysql-server-3.23.52-3
> >
> > It's beta 4 of mysql that's discussed on your link.
> >
> > above is what is packaged with RH 8
> My mistake - the issue with MySQL & RH 8 on the link was my problem with
> MySQL and SuSE 8.1. I updated the RPM's and the problem went away.
> > your avoid the *.0 release rule is too vague to be considered. Yes, I
> > would restrain myself from throwing it on a production server. But for
> > my own desktop...why the hell not?
> Because some of us treat our workstations like production servers :)
I do very little productive on mine...primarily email & web. But it is
instructive as a test system - kind of test to see how it's ready for
prime time.
Funny thing is...when I was using linux as primarily a server and my Mac
& Windows for desktop, my learning curve on linux was stilted. Even
though I am not driven to have desktop with every imaginable bell &
whistle, using linux constantly has taught me an awful lot about it.
Kind of like the immersion system in learning languages.
I think that it's valuable to have a machine available that you can
experiment with, install all sorts of things on it, yet still be able to
function if it blows up. It's simple to build a 2G Athlon / 256MB RAM /
60G HD / CD / Floppy system for under $500 these days. Then you can
treat your server and your primary workstation like production servers
and still climb out on the edge. Add a cheap KVM with cables for another
$100. It's a great time for geeks.